Tag Archives: canada

What’s New is Olds

Bean Brokers is a cozy coffee shop in Olds, Alberta

Here’s a clever way to find a good, substantial lunch in Calgary for less than $10. Get out of Calgary!

Okay, it’s illogical. But the math works when we gather, for a cousins’ reunion, in Olds, an agricultural town of 9,000 an hour’s drive north of Calgary off the QE 2.

It’s kind of hard to read the metal menu board at Bean Brokers, a cozy coffee shop where we meet. But I’m nonetheless rubbing my eyes in disbelief at the prices.

These days, I’m used to paying $12 and up for a decent sandwich in Calgary. Here, I’m only being charged $8 for a substantial grilled turkey panini with pesto. A first-rate breakfast sandwich is about the same price. And the big mugs of coffee are good, too.

A fine turkey panini for only $8

In fact, we’re having such a good time, it’s hard to get the 10 of us out the door. But off we must go for an early-season tour of the extensive botanic gardens and wetlands at Olds College.

The college opened in 1913 and offers extensive agricultural and horticultural education. One of its programs is learning how to make craft beer. How good is that? The good news is there’s a retail store, where imbibing members of the public can mix and match from about half a dozen styles of beer.

Stocking up on student-crafted brews at Olds College Brewery

Finally, the college has a national meat training centre, with again a retail store where you can buy fine, reasonably priced steaks, roasts and sausages.

And retail meats

Did I mention, Olds is only an hour north of Calgary?

Bean Brokers
5014 46 Avenue, Olds, Alberta
Weekdays 7 am-5 pm, Saturday 9 am-3 pm, closed Sunday

Olds College Brewery
Corner of Highways 27 and 2A
Tuesday to Thursday 11 am-5 pm, Friday and Saturday 11 am-6 pm

Olds College Retail Meat Store
Weekdays noon-5 pm, Saturday 10 am-4 pm